The Tututix Blog

Words from industry experts to make the most of your events and performances.

Busy Season Stress

5 Quick Ways to Recharge During the Busy Season

There is no doubt that this time of year for studio owners can be hectic and, let’s face it, a little crazy!  With recital on the horizon, class placements being prepped, and audition details coming together, it’s not surprising that you may begin to physically feel the effects of stress of the busy season.

I went through far too many years of entrepreneurship knowing this season was coming and yet not quite prepared for it to the degree I should have! Now that I know better though, I do better. And one of the best ways I do better is by understanding that yes, it will be busy, and yes, I can still take good care of myself.  And I encourage YOU to do the same!

It’s so easy to get swept up into stress and let it overtake your mindset.  But you know what’s also pretty easy? Making a plan to relieve that stress by having a few simple tactics in your pocket.  Here, I’m going to share my best tips for thriving in the busyness of your life. These are all things that help me tremendously at this time of year, and I hope they will serve you well too!


Here are my 5 Quick Ways to Recharge During the Busy Season:
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  1. Commit to self-care in the morning
The morning can often dictate how the rest of your day goes, so decide now that your mornings will be proactive for your peace of mind.  Spend a few quiet minutes in meditation or prayer; edit your to-do list; read one chapter of an inspiring book; brew your favorite coffee or tea; move your body through some gentle stretching or yoga.  Have a ritual in place—even a short one—that will encourage you to start the day with your best foot forward.
  1. Go outside at least once a day
A few deep breaths of fresh air can change your entire frame of mind when you are caught in the whirlwind of busyness.  Don’t trick yourself into thinking that you should go all day at your desk with only a few stretch breaks. Try to block out 15 minutes here and there to step outside, walk around the block, and enjoy a change of scenery.  You may be surprised at how refreshed you feel!
  1. Connect with friends who understand
I personally think this is one of the best ways to combat the weariness that can accompany long work days: human connection.  Our tendency as entrepreneurs is to isolate ourselves when we feel stress when really it’s much more helpful to reach out to others!  Maybe you don’t have time for a long heart-to-heart phone call, but sending a quick text or email to check in with a friend can give you a burst of energy AND put a smile on your face.
  1. Fuel up with your favorite things
When you’re in busy mode, don’t let yourself fall into the trap of poor nutrition habits!  Stock up on your favorite healthy snacks, treats, or meals to keep you going. Now’s the time to splurge on the protein bars you crave, the smoothies with extra vitamins, or maybe even the meal delivery service you’ve been meaning to try.  Your health can’t be taken for granted at any time—and most especially when you need to be on your A-game.
  1. Give yourself a chance to wind down
Resist the urge to completely crash at the end of the day.  Your evening routine should allow you the chance to center yourself and relax.  As hard as it is to do, put your phone and computer in another room to charge, and focus on yourself and your family before turning in for the night.  Your mind will feel clearer and more rested to take on whatever’s next.
Recharging during this time of year can be a challenge, but if anyone can accept a challenge and overcome it, it’s a studio owner!  I want you to feel encouraged that this season of “busy” can also be a season of “health” if you are committed to it. I know that for me, this time of year now holds more excitement than stress because I’m able to look out for my well-being in a way I didn’t know how to do before.
If you have another method of recharging that works well in your life, share it in the comments below!  I would love to hear what helps keep you fueled, prepared, and nourished during this time of year. I wish you much success as you charge full-steam ahead into the coming weeks!

Looking for more tips keeping your sanity through the busy season? Check out the following articles:


The “Expert Advice from Misty Lown” series is brought to you by More Than Just Great Dancing™ and TutuTix.

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Let us help you get started on your fall/winter event builds and say hello to all of your new found time!