Thanksgiving Week is a time to celebrate our blessings. Over the past few years, I’ve really worked on choosing gratitude as a daily practice. With that being the case, this holiday becomes a celebration of the year-long practice.
An article in the New York Times perfectly summarized it:
“Be honest: When was the last time you were grateful for the spots on a trout? More seriously, think of the small, useless things you experience — the smell of fall in the air, the fragment of a song that reminds you of when you were a kid. Give thanks.
This Thanksgiving, don’t express gratitude only when you feel it. Give thanks especially when you don’t feel it. Rebel against the emotional “authenticity” that holds you back from your bliss. As for me, I am taking my own advice and updating my gratitude list. It includes my family, faith, friends and work.”
You can read the full article here: Choose To Be Grateful; It Will Make You Happier
Regardless of situation or circumstance, there are blessings present in our lives. If we focus on choosing gratitude, we open ourselves for greater happiness and opportunity!
Try it in your journey- and may you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!