The Tututix Blog

Words from industry experts to make the most of your events and performances.

dance lyrics

Dance Lyrics: Be Sure to Listen to Your Song Choices!

How many times have you wondered, “What did that song just say?” or  “What does this song really mean?” If you are unsure about the meaning of dance lyrics or the content of a song, it is likely that the song should not be played in your dance classes or used for a performance/competition routine (and, if something is questionable, research the answer).

Many popular songs that receive radio play are pushing the limits of appropriateness with insinuating, suggestive, or inappropriate dance lyrics that are not appropriate for children. In a similar vein, songs that are played in your high school classes may not be appropriate for six and seven year old dancers.

One resource we found was, where you can search for songs and research what the content is actually talking about.

Take the time to find class music that is age appropriate for your class composition. Err on the side of caution and make choices that will positively influence your student base.