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Dance recital checklist

Dance Recital Checklist: Help Students Prepare

Can you believe it’s that time of a year again? It seems like just yesterday students were worried about their first day of dance class, and now the seasonal recital is quickly approaching. Recitals are often the highlight of the dance year, so make a dance recital checklist and help students be adequately prepared for the big day. Here’s how dancers can get ready for their dance recitals.

“Luck favors the prepared, so start early!”

Get Ready Two Weeks Before the Show

Luck favors the prepared, so dancers should start getting ready for their big show with plenty of time before the performance date. This will ensure that you take the time to carefully pack all your supplies and can review your checklist a few times.

When you’re packing for a dance recital, you’ll want to bring many of the same things that you’d bring to a dance competition. Be sure you have proper undergarments, extra tights, all your different shoes and makeup supplies.

Do you have a schedule for the day planned out? While a recital might “start” at 6PM, dancers will be required to arrive early to check in, get prepared, potentially take pictures: there’s a lot going on! As a dance family, make sure you’ve looked through all of the emails and information your studio has sent you to be sure you know little details that can make a big difference, such as:

  • Parking for the recital (guest parking and dancer parking)
  • How to purchase tickets for the performance
  • Where to check in
  • Where to pick up any studio merchandise or flowers for dancers
Have your beauty essentials on hand to touch up smudges and smears. Have your beauty essentials on hand to touch up smudges and smears.

Be Prepared for Unexpected Issues

Any experienced dancer will tell you that there are a lot of little things that can go wrong on recital day. Whether it’s something small like a bra strap breaking or makeup getting smudged, preparation is key to dealing with these issues.

Part of that is getting in the right mindset: attitude can truly make or break your recital experience. Some dancers are predisposed to stage fright, and that’s OK! Just be prepared with a few calming exercises that will help calm your mind and banish those jitters. Try taking a few slow, deep breaths or getting into a relaxing yoga pose.

When you’re waiting backstage, resist the urge to practice your steps. Chances are that you’ve got them down, so focus on getting excited for the performance. After all, it’s your time to shine! Take pictures with your friends, listen to pump-up music or simply visualize your success. Positivity will help you bring your natural radiance to the stage and dance your heart out!

Get excited before your recital - it's your time to shine!Get excited before your recital – it’s your time to shine!

Own Your Show

The recital is an opportunity for dancers to leave everything they have on the stage, and to truly enjoy doing what they love. Your entire dance community will be there, and they’re there to support you! So make the days before your recital count.

Show up to class and give it 100%. Ask questions and make sure you have everything you need to do the best job that you can. And finally, love the dancers who are next to you on stage, and be as supportive for them as you hope they can be for you!



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Why delay what we can take care of today?!?

Let us help you get started on your fall/winter event builds and say hello to all of your new found time!