The Tututix Blog

Words from industry experts to make the most of your events and performances.

7 most important marketing tactics for your dance studio

The 7 Most Important Marketing Tactics to Implement at Your Studio

I don’t know about you, but marketing is at the VERY top of my priority list at this time of year!  With back-to-school enrollment underway and goals to meet, achieving success at my studio—for my studio—depends greatly focusing our marketing tactics and message.  After all, there is no mission to serve if we haven’t attracted the right clientele to our programs!

First,  my team and I establish our strategy; that is, we figure out the overarching objective we want to meet and the way in which we want to approach it.  For this year, our objective is to increase total enrollment in the studio and participation in each class. Our strategy is to use key messages about our youngest dancers’ potential and our special opportunities for all ages.

Since marketing is all about bringing the information you want people to know about your studio right to their fingertips, you want to do so in a way that is both educational AND appealing.  But too many marketers focus on the “WHAT” (dance classes). You want the tactics you employ to pique someone’s curiosity and prompt them to want to know more about WHY you do what you do and how you do it.

The best ways to market are always evolving of course …. as they should!  You always want marketing for your studio to feel fresh and exciting with every step, not stale.  Keep reading for my 7 Most Important Marketing Tactics to Implement at Your Studio!

Here are my 7 Most Important Marketing Tactics to Implement at Your Studio:
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  1. Sell the feeling on social media
    As we are all well aware, social media is a huge place to market these days!  Establish a system for regular posts about how being a part of your studio makes people feel, kids and parents alike.  Promote your happy students and parent testimonials even more than you promote the features of what you offer!
  2. Use micro-commitments
    Micro-commitments are small, free (or low-cost) programs, like a free day of dance or a low-cost mini-camp, that allow prospective customers to try out your studio without a big commitment.  Use them as a tactic to demonstrate that your studio is the place to be for kids who want to have fun and learn. Remember that most people like to “try before they buy” and micro-commitments allow them to do just that.
  3. Implement video
    Video marketing is everywhere and people love it!  Create short (less than two minute) videos to embed in your e-newsletter or on social media.  Keep your videos informal yet professional and highlight your studio mission, fabulous people and services.  A simple tour of classes in progress or a message is a great place to start.
  4. Bring back snail mail
    With so much “noise” in our inboxes these days, mail can be an attention-grabber if done right.  Consider sending postcards, special mailings, or small gift boxes to prospective customers, and make sure whatever you send is well-designed and eye-catching.  Just don’t forget to set a budget for postage too!
  5. Amp up referrals
    If you have a referral program in place, market a flash sale around it.  For example, if your referral incentive is $25 off one month of tuition, offer to double it during a specific (short) time period.  If you don’t have a referral program, what can I say? Get to it! Your existing customers are an excellent resource.
  6. Go big for special moments
    When you recognize a student or group of students, use those moments as opportunities to market the news to your community!  For example, when you choose a student of the month or cast roles in your annual holiday show, go big with the announcements: put up a yard sign at the student’s home and congratulate them individually on social media.
  7. Create contests
    Everyone loves a great contest because everyone loves prizes!  Contests could be as simple as commenting on a social media post with a photo in a dance pose. For example, one of our affiliated studios, Arabesque Dance Center, has a contest where students post pictures of them doing an arabesque on their travels.  If you have a contest that includes a reward, make sure the prize is something desirable, like a cute gift basket, a gift card to a popular store, or a tuition credit.

As you begin putting your marketing tactics to use, remind your staff too, that EVERYONE on the studio team is in marketing!  Whether they are in the classroom, at the front desk, at an event, or somewhere in between, your employees are always in marketing-mode.

My hope is that these marketing tactics have sparked even MORE ideas for you to use this fall.  I wish you luck as you dive into your new season!

Interested in more articles about dance studio marketing? Check out these articles from the TutuTix archive:

The “Expert Advice from Misty Lown” series is brought to you by More Than Just Great Dancing™ and TutuTix.

More Than Just Great Dancing


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