If you run a pre-professional dance school, chances are that some of your budding ballerinas will soon be heading off to one of the many summer dance intensives. It’s an experience that’s often invaluable for dancers when it comes to honing skills, building influential relationships and becoming all-around better performers.
Before your students ship off to their summer dance intensives, give them some advice on how to make the most of their time.
Keep a Positive Attitude
Half the battle of having a good time at a summer intensive is keeping a positive attitude. If your students go into the program worried, wary or above it all, they probably won’t get as much from the experience.
Coach your dancers on how to keep an open mind when it comes to summer classes, meeting new people and taking constructive criticism. These skills will all come in handy when they enter the world of professional dance.

Write It All Down
One way that dancers can retain everything they learn over the course of an intensive is to keep a journal. When they write down notes after each class, jot down tips and tricks shared by experts and document contact information of new friends, they’ll be able to refer back to their experiences later.
If you want to send your students off with a special journal, consider purchasing some inexpensive notebooks with your studio logo on the front! It’s a small gesture that will mean a lot to your dedicated dancers.
Don’t Only Focus on Skills
Yes, summer dance intensives are great places to learn new skills and techniques, but that’s not all these programs offer. Explain to your students that the relationships they make during the summer can serve them throughout their careers. Networking with instructors and other students is an important part of the intensive experience, so don’t neglect it!
Dance Spirit magazine offered some tips on how students can build and maintain friendships while they’re away from home.
Your morning read: Make the most out of summer intensive friendships: https://t.co/MBP3v2HKv9 (PC: Erik Tomasson) pic.twitter.com/I2vo4XARID
— Dance Spirit (@Dance_SpiritMag) May 27, 2015
When your dancers follow these tips, their first summer intensive experience will be especially great and they’ll be ready and willing to go back in years to come.