Dance Studio Software Reviews: 2019

For the fifth year in a row, we are excited to present the survey results collected from our annual dance studio software reviews survey. We asked thousands of dance studio owners to answer questions about their dance studio management software, and over 950 studio owners did just that. If you’ve considered investing in software to […]
How to Make the Most of The UDMA Costume Shows

Consider these helpful tips on how to make the most of your UDMA visit.
Dance Studio Software Reviews: 2018

For the fourth year in a row, we are excited to present the survey results collected from our annual dance studio software reviews survey. We asked thousands of dance studio owners to answer questions about their dance studio management software. We’ve continued to see some recurring trends about how studio owners choose their dance studio […]
Dance Teacher Gift Ideas: Brighten Your Teachers’ Holiday Season!

It’s the holidays, which lets us offer a gift to those people who make such a difference in our sons’ and daughters’ lives: dance teachers! Take a look at this list of dance teacher gift ideas that could brighten their season! Gift Cards It may seem cliché, but a gift card is simple and gives […]
6 Dance Movies to Watch on Netflix

Here are a bunch of awesome dance movies that will get you through the dog days of summer and hold you over until dance classes start again.
Should You Keep Used Dance Shoes?

When a dancer grows out of a pair of dance shoes, it’s time to ask an essential question: “What do we do with these shoes?” Dance parents, let’s talk about the various options for handling these “extra” shoes. Saving Dance Shoes for Younger Siblings If your dancer has a younger sibling or siblings, you can […]
Ballet Vocabulary: 3 Easy Lesson Plan Ideas

We’ve gotten great feedback about our article on Ballet Vocabulary Terms for Beginners, and have put together some ideas for easy class activities that teachers can include in their lesson plans. Do you have other activities that you use to teach the little ones essential vocab? Ballet and Dance Move Alphabet This one is great even for […]
Dance Studio Software: 2017 Studio Owner Reviews

For the third year, we are excited to present the survey results collected from our annual dance studio management software reviews survey. We asked dance studio owners to answer questions about their dance studio management software. We’ve continued to see some recurring trends about how studio owners choose their dance studio software, how they utilize it, and […]
Dance Recital Gift Ideas: 9 Great Ways to Reward Your Dancer!

There’s nothing like seeing a dancer’s joy after a successful recital! And having a great gift for them after the performance will make the night that much more special. Check out these 9 dance recital gift ideas your dancer will love! 1. Bouquet of Flowers For many dancers, flowers after a performance are a sign […]
Dancer Nutrition: What to Eat Before a Dance Recital

As the big day approaches, dancer nutrition choices are very important. You need to make sure performers’ bodies are getting the right nutrition, so that they are healthy before, during, and after practice, and build muscle to come back better and stronger for the next rehearsal. On the day of recital, don’t make big changes to […]
The Studio Owner Dance Recital Survival Guide

The experienced studio owner knows that putting on a great recital takes a lot of preparation, and a lot of quick thinking! Having the right supplies and tools on hand can make a tremendous difference for you and your staff. We’ve put together a list of (potentially) essential items that will help you have the […]
Dance Recital Preparation Timeline: How Early Should You Start Planning A Recital?

Planning a big show takes a lot of time, and a lot of preparation. So, it’s important to get started early! In putting together the Official TutuTix E-Book, we consulted several studio owners to get an idea of how and when they plan their recitals. Take a look at the dance recital preparation timeline we’ve […]
Dance Studio Business Plan: See A Real Example

Writing a dance studio business plan is a BIG project. But an important one! This plan will lay out your studio’s hopes and dreams, as well as the step-by-step process for getting from Point A to Point B. A few questions to ask yourself as you get started: Where are you now? Where do you […]
6 Dance Recital Mishaps: Preparing Dancers for the Unexpected

It’s that time of year again: time for studios to showcase their students’ talent and put on a big show! And like any big event, there are bound to be a few (sometimes unwelcome) surprises. So it’s best to be prepared and in good spirits! Prepare your dancers for whatever situation might come up during […]
How to Win a Dance Competition

A lot of dance studios have finished up their competition season; plenty have competitions coming up soon. For those of you who are finished with competition season: did you win? For those of you headed to competition, are you hoping to win? Mama wants a trophy. No doubt. And every studio can benefit from having […]