Holiday Music! Song Lists and Playlists for the Season

holiday music

With the Thanksgiving holidays coming to a close, the holiday countdown is ON! Here are some fun, culturally diverse holiday music tunes to incorporate into your classes for the remainder of the month.  You can preview any of these holiday music songs here via our Spotify Playlist! Action Songs for Creative Movement Jingle Bells/ Jingle Song […]

Gifts for Dance Students: Holiday Marketing

gifts for dance students

Last year, our studio purchased lunch boxes with the studio logo to distribute as gifts for dance students. This began a tradition of distributing a logo-oriented item prior to the Winter Break. All of our students love receiving the gift, and it doubly serves as a marketing strategy and brand reinforcement technique. Gifts for dance […]

Choosing Gratitude Every Day

choosing gratitude

Thanksgiving Week is a time to celebrate our blessings. Over the past few years, I’ve really worked on choosing gratitude as a daily practice. With that being the case, this holiday becomes a celebration of the year-long practice. An article in the New York Times perfectly summarized it: “Be honest: When was the last time you […]

How to Stay Warm as a Dancer: Winter is Coming!

how to stay warm as a dancer

There is no denying the chilly, winter weather! It is imperative that we teach our students how to stay warm as a dancer: by dressing smartly and warmly during the cold, extreme weather conditions. One of my great friends, Nuala DeGeorge offered the following, great tips for how to stay warm to her students at […]

Self-Confidence and Dance Costume Choices


Last year, we featured a post titled “10 Appearance Related Distractions for Competitive Dancers.” While these 10 distractions are all accurate, it is also important to consider the dancers’ self-confidence, self-image, and self-esteem when you are making your costume selections. It is imperative that we costume our dancers in an appropriate way that makes them feel […]

Dance Lyrics: Be Sure to Listen to Your Song Choices!

dance lyrics

How many times have you wondered, “What did that song just say?” or  “What does this song really mean?” If you are unsure about the meaning of dance lyrics or the content of a song, it is likely that the song should not be played in your dance classes or used for a performance/competition routine (and, […]

Competitive Dance Appropriateness: Time to Class It Up!

competitive dance

For years, I have watched an uncountable amount of dances performed at dance competitions. There have been amazing dances, passionate performances, and, unfortunately, routines that felt uncomfortable to watch because of inappropriate content, music selection, costuming, and/or choreography. When an inappropriate routine performs, it shakes the room, leaving parents, studio owners, instructors, and the competitive […]

Dance Recital Organization Tip: Laundry Baskets

dance recital organization

Recital and performance season is here! Looking for an inexpensive (and easy) dance recital organization tip? 🙂 When I was dancing, I always kept all of my belongings in a laundry basket which helped in transporting items to and fro. I encourage all of my students and backstage volunteers to follow suit- when everything is labeled […]

Teaching Tips: Know Your Classroom Audience

teaching tips

Need a few teaching tips? As dance educators, it is important to read your classroom audience. Before you dig into class, take a minute to assess how the students are behaving that day. Look around the classroom. What students are being attentive? What students seem distracted? Who is feeling shy on any particular day? Who […]

Dance Studio Bulletin Boards: Building Community

dance studio bulletin boards

Many educational institutions use bulletin boards to visually convey information. Dance studio bulletin boards can be used to convey relevant studio information, offer seasonal tips and fun, and increase the community vibe in the classroom. In creating your boards, think about the following: Ideas and Tips That May Be Fun and Exciting for Students Ballet Vocabulary (to […]

10 Appearance-Related Distractions for Competitive Dancers

distractions for competitive dancers

Costumes and appearance issues can cause distractions for competitive dancers. Take the time to make your appearance a great part of your performance! 1. Costumes that fit inappropriately. Pulling, tugging, or adjusting a costume during a dance can be very distracting. The costume should fit comfortably and functionally for the entirety of a routine. 2. Costumes that […]

Dance Teacher Body Language in the Classroom

dance teacher body language

In The Little Mermaid, Ursula tells Ariel “don’t underestimate the importance of body language.” The line is true in real life, and it’s important to pay attention to dance teacher body language in the classroom! Think about how your body language motivates and encourages your students (or, if the body language is negative, how it might deter […]

101 Marketing Ideas & Strategies for Dance Studios

101 Marketing Ideas & Strategies for Dance Studios

101 MARKETING IDEAS & STRATEGIES FOR DANCE STUDIOS 1. T-Shirts 2. Ink Pens 3. Lunch Boxes 4. Beach Towels 5. Leotards 6. Jackets 7. Personalized Folders 8. Dance Bags 9. Car Magnets 10. Water Bottles 11. Sweat Pants 12. Jazz Pants 13. Athletic Shorts 14. Demo Days at Preschools 15. Country Club Programs 16. In-Studio […]

Brand Reputation Building: Focus On YOU

brand reputation

When thinking about building up your brand reputation and planning your studio’s marketing, focus on YOUR message and avoid comparative language that insinuates your facility is “better than” others. In the dance education industry, comparative marketing does not speak as positively as true messaging. Via text, image, and graphics, communicate WHY your studio is a great choice. […]

Parent Bullying: Rude, Demanding Dance Parents That Bully Schools

parent bullying

I discovered an article about parent bullying in The Dallas Morning News entitled The Rude, Demanding Parents Who Bully Schools by Robert Evans and Michael G. Thompson. While I hope you haven’t encountered or experienced rude or bullying parents, there’s a chance they may cross your path at some point. The linked article offers examples for identifying the 3 types/patterns […]


Why delay what we can take care of today?!?
Let us help you get a head start on your fall/winter event builds and say hello to all of your new found time!


Why delay what we can take care of today?!?

Let us help you get started on your fall/winter event builds and say hello to all of your new found time!