Dance Recital Information Sheet Template

dance recital information sheet

Does your studio send home a dance recital information sheet a few months before recital? At the DanceExec’s studio, a recital detail sheet goes home in January/February and includes the following details for each student (for each class) on a customized sheet: Student’s Name Student’s Class Class Routine Name Class Costume Description Class Show Time […]

How Much Should You Charge for Dance Recital Tickets?

How Much Should You Charge for Dance Recital Tickets?

Your recital is likely your largest production during the calendar year, and often can be a deciding factor whether or not parents will return with their children for the following year. Pricing your dance recital tickets correctly is an extremely crucial part of planning. Editor’s note: This article was originally published January 21, 2015. It […]

We Are Proud to Welcome The Dance Exec to!

We Are Proud to Welcome The Dance Exec to!

TutuTix is pleased to announce the addition of content from The Dance Exec into its content library. For several years, The Dance Exec ( has been an excellent source of training and knowledge for dance studio owners as they grow their business and strive to provide excellence in dance training. As Chasta Hamilton Calhoun, the […]

Dancer Injury: When Do You Need to Go to the Doctor?

dancer injury

Not sure if you should go see a doctor about a possible dancer injury? Let’s walk through some steps to make sure you take the best care of a dancer possible. How Does a Dancer Injury Happen? Dancing is an athletic activity, and even the best dancers can land off balance or turn an ankle the wrong […]

Halloween Decorations for Dance Studios: 5 Easy and Fun Projects

halloween decorations for dance studios

This Halloween, get yourself and your dancers into the spooky spirit with these costume ideas and Halloween decorations for dance studios! 6 Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Dance These six costume ideas are great for a dress-up dance class day, and can even let dancers leave the studio and head straight out to trick-or-treat! [wpsm_video][/wpsm_video] […]

First Pointe Shoes: How to Get Fitted

first pointe shoes

It’s finally time to get your first pointe shoes!! In this article, we’ll walk through the process of finding a fitter, buying the supplies you’ll need for pointe, and then a few things to think about as you start dancing in your new shoes. Ask the Right Questions If you’re headed to buy your first […]

Dance Studio Ideas and More: The Official TutuTix E-Book

dance studio ideas

Running a dance studio is not a walk in the park. It takes time, it takes money, it takes passion, and it takes love. Here at TutuTix, our mission is to help dance studio owners grow their businesses and to help families enjoy their children’s love of dance. We want to be here to support YOU, […]

The Dance Progress Report: How to Share Progress

Dance Progress Report: How to Share Progress

More often than not, students have a good sense of how they’re doing in a class, and direct feedback from teachers can help guide their way. But, it’s often their parents who come forward with questions or concerns about a dancer’s progress. Does your studio share a dance progress report with families? And if not, […]

Three BIG Ideas to Make Your Recital More Profitable

Dance Conference Presentation: Three BIG Ideas to Make Your Recital More Profitable

At a recent conference, I recently had the chance to share a presentation with studio owners on producing a profitable dance recital. I wanted to share it here; hopefully it will be of value to our blog readers as well! The major points of the dance conference presentation are below. Let us know if you’d like more […]

Healthy Smoothie Recipes for Dancers: “En Pointe”

Healthy Smoothie Recipes for Dancers

Besides being very easy and convenient to prepare, healthy smoothie recipes also provide your body with lots of nutrients and keep you feeling full. Because of the large number of ingredients that you can use, you can easily find lots of different healthy smoothie recipes online. The main ingredients that are commonly used are fruits, vegetables, nuts, […]

Dance Administration Jobs: 5 Ways to Join a Great Studio

Dance Administration Jobs

The dance world is full of career opportunities for people who love the dance and love self-expression. Besides performing full-time or teaching (or, as many dancers know, a combination of both), other career paths exist for dance-oriented individuals looking to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Dance administration jobs put you right in […]

Dance Workshop Ideas: How to Host A Successful Workshop

Dance Workshop Ideas

Hosting workshops is a great way to keep your students in touch with their dance skills (plus it means some income even in the down time of the summer months). The theme or focus of a workshop can be about anything, and it really depends on your students and what you think is the most […]

Dance Studio Marketing Plan: 5 Summer Strategies

Dance Studio Marketing Plan

Welcome to The Done Club! Recital season is finally over, and it’s time to take a big sigh of relief. It’s also time to take a look at the next few months and plan out ideas for bringing more dancers to your studio. Use these 5 strategies to create a great dance studio marketing plan for the […]


Do you have an idea for another event this season?
Let us help you get started on an event build for a winter revenue boost!


Do you have an idea for another event this season?

Let us help you get started on an event build for a winter revenue boost!


Why delay what we can take care of today?!?
Let us help you get a head start on your fall/winter event builds and say hello to all of your new found time!


Why delay what we can take care of today?!?

Let us help you get started on your fall/winter event builds and say hello to all of your new found time!